Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nail Hardener For Brittle Nails?

Does anyone know any good, cheap, nail solutions that make your nails harder and not break and be brittle?Nail Hardener For Brittle Nails?
Go to your local Sally BS/Walgreens/Walmart/CVS/Rite-Aid/etc. and pick up any of the many nail hardening/protective nail polishes from Sally Hansen. They are the best.

The cost should run you under $4 bucks!Nail Hardener For Brittle Nails?
Renew-a-Nail works for me but I get it at a factory sell out/discount store for a buck, not sure how much it is regularly or where else you can get it sorry.
Claire's nail ceator hardener only for 5.5$
Claire's nail ceator hardener only for 5.5$
sally hansen!! works for me.. they are great

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